Faraway Friends

Faraway Friends  Saying I am praying for you Is not just empty words But Truth I pull you into my world, my heart And make you a part Of God’s plan on this earth. It says I care You matter You are valuable And special to me Because God hold you close In His MasterContinue reading “Faraway Friends”

Coming up for Air

Life is busy, life can be messy. Life is. That’s all. It just is. Life that is. So in between projects, I come up for air. AHhhhhhh~ I have been busy writing, working, playing music. I sold a painting since I wrote last, and was totally thrilled as that was the first time I soldContinue reading “Coming up for Air”

Breathe in

Breathe Out. Take a breath. Take a moment. Take a breather. There, there. It’s not so bad, or if it is, it’s not. You are still breathing.I am still breathing. Pain lets me know I am alive. I live. I breathe. The cold is beyond a gentle reminder, It is a huge honking hulk ofContinue reading “Breathe in”

Creating a Difference in my Days

It’s late and I am tired. I can’t even remember how many days of blogging I have missed. I have been doing things: Being with people, friends, family. I have been talking and texting and driving and drumming and working and just plain wearing myself out. True story. I stayed with Friends in RI, ateContinue reading “Creating a Difference in my Days”

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