
Healing takes different paths. Sometimes there are scars, Sometimes there are none. Yet nonetheless healing happens. God reaches out the fingers and hands and heart of His healing love and wraps it around our lives and hearts and fills us with His Spirit, His Love, His Healing. Sometimes it happens quickly, Often it happens slow,Continue reading “Healing”

The Draw of Doing Nothing

It is easy to do nothing Most of the time. Sometimes though It is hard to break out of being busy to stop the clock and stop to smell the dew the morning mist the sunshine on blooming lilacs Achoo! When work needs to draw me in I dawdle at times on the precipice ofContinue reading “The Draw of Doing Nothing”

Moving beyond the moment

My daily motivation is a cat. Today she poked and prodded and meowed In the middle of the night. I recently came back from a trip and she wanted food. NOW! There have been days I have been set on immobile, sitting on the edge of the bed unable to move beyond the moment. MyContinue reading “Moving beyond the moment”

Season of the glimmer.

Catch it in the gleam, the glimmer simmers and dances on the light of days and nights and shimmers bright reflecting the glow of wintery lights and nights and days of cold and waves of warmth flush upon the cheek from firelight and moonlight and hope painting glowing lights cross my nose. Take me toContinue reading “Season of the glimmer.”

Paper Punch

Rain breaks the Sky of Blue perforating holes proliferating coals burning in the cold twinkling star skies multiplied diamonds times ebony times azure times by times by times past cast in stone fasten hold hands clasped not alone. Deborah D Fleet 9-25-2023

I bought a purple pen

This week I bought a purple pen … The poet in me Loves a purple pen. It makes me want to doodle. It makes me want to soar. It makes me want to write, and write some more. It makes me want to take my time and create a lovely bouquet of words of violetContinue reading “I bought a purple pen”

Faraway Friends

Faraway Friends  Saying I am praying for you Is not just empty words But Truth I pull you into my world, my heart And make you a part Of God’s plan on this earth. It says I care You matter You are valuable And special to me Because God hold you close In His MasterContinue reading “Faraway Friends”

Summer Mist of Rain

Today this view is overshadowed by rain and mist and cloud. It is hidden there beneath the veil of misty tears sent by summer rains showers from the sky washing out and washing down and falling into fat droplets all around. The mist forming puddles on the ground. 8-15-2023 Deborah D Fleet Spontaneous Poetry

Not Lost or Forgotten

Funny how life moves and grooves and shifts and changes. I have wanted to write on here, but my computer has been fussing and fuming and putting up a fight. Most days all I can get is book of the Face, and my e-mail when I am lucky. My windows are not the most recent,Continue reading “Not Lost or Forgotten”

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